12 October 2010


Ola muchachas, today i'm not going to get all philosophical and deep on you, yes, i know, sad times indeed, but rather i want to talk about this years X-Factor (the first time i've ever taken an interest in the show) and how Twitter will revolutionize this year's competition.

So i got into it more-so because of my undying love for Rebecca, if anyone reads my tweets on a Saturday between 1930 and 2100 you'll know exactly what i mean.
Anyway, this years X-Factor has seen Twitter become a place of hilarity during the show, the brutal honesty and downright hilarious tweets from some of the people i follow has to be seen to be believed.

And it got me thinking about how much more exciting this years competition will be, whether you're a first timer like myself or a fan from the beginning like many others i know, you NEED to get yourself a twitter account and multi-task during the show and watch Televison with 200 other strangers, it's the most fascinating thing i've witnessed in the world of social media.

From critiquing the contestants  (i find it hilarious how we're all professional music critics when we watch these shows), to slagging off the judges for having an opinion that opposes ours, to the wardrobe of some of the contestants, (and by "some" i mean Storm and Katie) to the Cheryl Tweedy haters (you know who you are) to who tweeters find attractive and even down to the adverts shown during the show, shout out to Yeo Valley and the Reebok Easytone commercials.

So, for some of you Flinstones out there who don't have a Twitter account (shame on you) here are my top tweets from this past weekends show, by some of the people i follow.

Oh before you read these, please note, these are tweets people, these are not the exclusive opinions of the people behind the tweets, so if you're uber-sensitive about your reality/music talent shows, don't read any further.

@ And those silver leather-looking pants! Has he never seen the episode of Friends where Ross wears the leather pants!! Just no Storm!!

@ No fucking offence but I've heard cats having sex sounding better then these singing

@ i have a feeling within the 10 weeks x-factor is on, my tweets are gonna double

@ I love how Oompa Loompa And I HATE CHER Are trending. Has just made my night.

@ the new twist on  Dermot will read out our Tweets instead of judges comments

@ Princes and Rogues? More like Twits & Twats. They've ram-raided Urban Outfitters. Be gone.

@ Would u let him (Wagner) take u to his loveshack?

@ Danni do me a favor and shut up yeah thanks :)

sometimes, i feel that X-Fator should have a screen on the side with a running timeline of all the #xfactor tweets, now THAT would be entertainment.

so, what was your favourite tweet from Saturday and Sunday's show, who's your favourite artist and why.

Stay Up

*click the links of the twitter users to follow them.*


  1. Great post Mike. Good idea on the tweets running on the side of the screen during the show :-)

  2. Gutted I didn't feature, but I seem to have been out every sat for the past few weeks so have missed out anyway. You need to check @marvinsparks blog for a similar post, I think his was on Mobo's if I remember correctly. Last year I only watched xfactor for the tweetage ;-)
