16 June 2010

One night in Brussels

so today I'm at work, normal day, I'm a little tired, but it's going alright because there are loads of things to do.
we had one of our maintenance guys come in, who I've never met before, lets call him Pete.

So Pete and i start talking and he's asking me what I studied at university, turns out he used to work for very big ad agencies in London as a copper print/press engineer, for those that don't know, that's how they "photoshopped" ads before computers.
Anyway, Pete starts telling us his life story about how he went to the army and what a great experience it was for him, the man is so intelligent it was almost scary.
But what struck me most was how he left the army after 3 years.

One night him and some colleagues went out in Brussels because that's where they were stationed, he didn't mention the town/city. So he says him and his mates were having a regular lads night out and they met some girls in the bar they were in, but Pete was interested in the waitress, so as the night goes on, he's speaking to her more and more, and after her shift, they all go out clubbing.

2 days after a long weekend just him and her, they're all at the port saying goodbye, when she asks Pete to stay another day, he agrees and tells his commanding officer he's staying another day and will be back the following day...this next part is where i got the motivation for this post.

Pete then tells us, he didn't go back the next day, in fact he didn't go back to the army, 12years later he was married with 2 kids and living in Belgium.
Now if you don't know, it's illegal to leave the army before your tour is over, and also before your 4 years minimum mandatory service is up.

Pete received a court martial when he got caught trying to renew his passport, he got fined £1800 and stripped of his rank and medals he received in the army. Funny thing is, Pete said he wouldn't change anything he did for the world.

Now that's where i thought, "that is how i'm gonna be, "no regrets", because sometimes, you just know that what lies before you, is far more important than what lies ahead of you, and you have to seize the day, as they say.

I think there's a lesson there, that from this short 10minute story that had our whole office captivated (you had to be there) there is always something worth sacrificing the life you live for, I'm not saying it has to be a man or woman, but just something you know deep down, is everything you've always wanted, it might even be right in front of you right now, grab it with both hands, because there is no time like the present.

Pete had so much to tell us and share with us, that we barely even noticed he'd been talking to us for a good hour and a half, all of the guys in my office are under 27, and after he left, all of us took different things away from his stories, but the one thing we all had for Pete was admiration.

which leads me to my status i had on my facebook first thing this morning,

"After i'm dead I'd rather have people ask 
why I have no monument than why I have one."

i think that right there, was meant for people like Pete...a man whom if i never see again, i will always ask why he has no monument.

Pete, a salute from Idontliketea.

Stay Up.


  1. Wow, he's one of the only people under 30 that already have a story for the grandkids! I don't even know the guy but that story has weakened the inner girl in me; that's how a real love story goes..*sigh*

  2. mic i have to be honest you inspired me this deep.. the guy in my eyes defines what loves is!! if that isnt love what is??
